The brief for "The young designer of the year award 2017" competition was to design the exterior styling of a modern and supremely elegant 80 metre yacht with a low profile. The brief also involves the design of a Limousine Tender whose main purpose is to ferry 8 guest to shore in complete comfort and safety and a General Use Tender as an explorer capable of day-long absence. The design of Ardea Alba yacht was inspired by the elegant “S” shaped head of an Ardea Alba. The main central body has glass windows which while offering a 360° view and allowing maximum light are also shaded from direct sunlight by the yacht’s overlapping wings. This minimalist design offers its passengers a complete being at sea experience. The two tenders have the same style. The main body of the limousine tender is closed and transparent allowing the guest to see all around while protecting them from the elements. The second tender is smaller, open and sportive in design.

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