INNATUS embodies a unique fusion between organic architecture and functional design. The name is Latin for the word natural, a theme that has been carried throughout the design process. It was always my intention to design INNATUS as if it had been shaped by nature over thousands of years, resulting in an exterior which makes a statement in any surroundings, yet complements the spectacular environments it will be exploring. INNATUS utilises a Bermuda ketch rig, which ensures maximum comfort and control over long distances. A similar approach has been applied to the interiors with an arrangement that is not only functional and comfortable, but which brings the owner and guests even closer to the thrill of sailing. This is achieved through forward sailing lounges, one in front of the bridge and one above. The end result is a vessel which not only meets the needs of a long-range sailing yacht, but which also makes a statement about the relationship between nature and yacht design.

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